
New rules (Premium numbers)

Hello everyone !

The new SVAplus standard is coming into effect today.

All Eldolink’s promotional tools have been updated to conform to the law.

If some of you have pointed to premium rate numbers using their own methods (number in a text, number in a picture etc ...), here is a summary of the changes to be made in order to comply:

- Pricing change
Before 1.34 euros per call + 34 cents / min
Now: 0.80 euros pricing / min.

- Text : Service 0.80 € / min + call price

- Color code to display the telephone number and the price: purple (Color code to use #a50f78)

- This cartridge must be placed in the page containing the number:

Thank you for your confidence.

Team Eldolink®
With you, For you


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Your Eldolink® gains consist in points as well as money! These points can be swapped for presents in our store!

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